Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Search for Truth

As I journey along a path of life I have come to the conclusion that Truth spoken in kindness and compassion is called Wisdom. Additionally, when someone says they tell the cold, hard truth no matter what, they are simply brutally stating the truthful facts. Truth is always permeated with wisdom for with wisdom, a man or woman can speak the truth. So now I begin my search for wisdom and its core elements.

"Make your ear attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding"
Proverbs 2:2

Eagle Driver
check 6

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Live Like You Were Dying - Tim McGraw

I had a Tim McGraw moment in his song "Live like you were Dying". Chest X-Ray showed something on my lung. Met yesterday with the doctor and am now awaiting a CAT Scan hopefully on Thursday or Friday, with the reading of that CAT next week. "Its probably something else that is causing the cough, but we want to be sure it is not cancer" says the doc. The "C-word" was used 3 times in the doctor's visit. She's probably right but as I was leaving and still now, it (the idea of cancer in one's lung) has a "stop you on a dime" profundity and complexity that searches one's thoughts. So for a week I will wait the results with a quiet desperation. Like the doctor said "its probably something else" however until confirmed it is something to me.

So what have I learned? Stress kills, stress destroys, and stress removes you from life. For me I quit the stressed lifestyle of success, of winning, of got-to-have, of what-about-this promotion, of whatever that separates me from my family. There are people and adventures with those that I love that are more important than getting that report out on time. Time - what a deep philosophical and theological reality to one who may be short on it. As The Guess Who's famous song says, "I got no time, no time..."

I wear two hats now - one in public of calm and one in private of concern.

So here is the song that seems to be playing quite regularly in my mind:

"Love deeper, speak sweeter"

Eagle Driver
check 6

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

21st Century Man

I had the opportunity to browse the blogs and came across a entry that gave tribute to a friend and the author said he was a "21st Century Man". So I began to thing what is a 21st century man? Through my search I found this amazing video from RSA Animate titled 21st Century Enlightenment. Very interesting stuff and I had to pause it many time to read what he put on the White Board. This is very creative and simplifies so much philosophy.

The part I liked most was his statement of:

"To Resist our tendencies to make Right or True that which is merely Familiar and Wrong or False that which is only Strange."

So maybe a charasteristic of the 21st Century Man or Woman is to question the ancestor worship of the generation in control and to resist internalizing the tendencies of that generation. To look beyond the automatic judgments.

Eagle Driver
check six

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Interesting Answer

As I continue my search to answer Pontius Pilate's fundamental question of: "What is Truth?", I found an interesting idea about the here and now. Over at the blog of "Skeptic, Heretic, Believer" the author on his first entry had a very interesting thought:

"What if this life is like pregnancy? What if these pains we go through are like labor pains of being born into the next life? Some labors are worse than others you know. Some labors are short, some are long, some are dangerous and terrible, while others are ‘easy’ and less painful."

Somehow this explains so much. I think he is on to something. Amazing what you find when you put yourself on a journey to find answers.

Eagle Driver
check 6