Immediately in front of the reader is a simple "Are You a Responsible Person?" checklist. 6 questions for self-evaluation with the last question being the most incredible in my opinion:
The site ( goes on to give discussion questions and writing assignments for the students. I found this concept of good character being defined by self-control reminiscent of Aristotle's posit that happiness requires virtuous thought and action which lead to a virtuous character. By the way Aristotle wrote this some 300 years before the birth of Jesus Christ and the development of Christianity.
Self-control is the antithesis of promiscuity.
Promiscuity is the bane of good Character.
It is time to stop the childish, temper-tantrum irresponsible behavior of "blaming" Christianity for not getting what you want, and demonstrate some self-control, some good character to do the right thing. "When I was a child, I spoke [and did] as a child."
Here is an Aesop Fable (again hundreds of years before Christianity) that seems quite applicable to promiscuity which simply is the lack of self-control, lack of good character, lack of responsibility:
A jar of honey chanced to spill
Its contents on the windowsill
In many a viscous pool and rill.
The flies, attracted by the sweet,
Began so greedily to eat,
they smeared their fragile wings and feet.
With many a twitch and pull in vain
They grasped to get away again,
And died in aromatic pain.
O foolish creatures that destroy
Themselves for transitory joy. *
Food for Thought, if You are Hungry
Do not be found wanting as we are all without excuse.
Eagle Driver
check 6
*The Book of Virtues by William J. Bennett (New York: Simon & Schuster 1993, page 48), emphasis mine.